Eugen Cojocaru

„Trebuie să încerci necontenit să urci foarte sus, dacă vrei să poți să vezi foarte departe.” - Constantin Brâncuși

Eclipse RCP: Installing and Updating with p2 (Part I)

With Eclipse RCP you can build complex platform independent applications using a powerful framework. As it is very important to keep your applications updated, one of the most interesting feature of Eclipse RCP is Equinox p2. Provisioning is the act of finding and installing new functionality, and updating or removing existing functionality. Equinox p2 is a provisioning platform for Eclipse-based applications and debuted in Eclipse v3.4 as a replacement for the old Update Manager.

Although the update system represents a very important aspect for a professional software product, the issues encountered during implementation by a lot of developers shows that it is not quite strait forward to build one and integrate it.

Next steps...

20 Februarie 2013, ora 19:00, Golden Tulip Ana Tower Sibiu...primul eveniment Java User Group Sibiu din acest an, alaturi de o asistenta formata din aproximativ 30 de pasionati / practicanti ai acestui domeniu. Pana aici nimic deosebit comparativ cu alte evenimente similare, doar ca peste aproximativ o luna se implinesc doi ani de cand a luat forma ideea unei comunitati Java in Sibiu, o idee pornita din dorinta de a partaja din experienta si cunostintele acumulate si deopotriva din dorinta de dezvoltare profesionala a tuturor celor implicati.

Sibiu JUG - The 10th event

Wednesday 24 October 2012, Sibiu JUG (Java User Group) has organized a new Java dedicated seminar and the approached subject was about how to develop applications using Oracle ADF and a video demonstration of Oracle ADF Mobile. Our guest and speaker for this event was Flavius Sana, Oracle Product Development Engineer, FMW.

By combining presentation slides with live demonstration, Flavius offered to the audience a good overview over the main Oracle ADF capabilities. In the last part of the event ADF Mobile particularities were discussed together with the audience and probably the most debated aspect was how exactly does this technology runs fully on iOS. One of the participants, Ciprian Popa, made a special research and published an article dedicated to this aspect.

I am very happy to announce that starting with this event Sibiu Java User Group has a new partner. iQuest joined our group and was directly involved in this event's sponsorship. I salute this initiative and their implication in supporting the local Java community and I'm glad our group added to it's partners list another prestigious company which is interested in people's continuous development.