"Migrating Applications to IPv6" by Dan York (O'Reilly review)
Eugen Cojocaru
dan york
migrare aplicatii
migrating applications
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Migrating Applications to IPv6Dan York
O'Reilly Media, 2011
50 pages
It is a fact that Internet growth is on an ascendent slope and IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) limits will soon be reached. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed IPv6 a new Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched inter-networking that will allow much more addresses. Scope of this book is to explore the changes that needs to be adapted in order to migrate existing applications to IPv6 and the implications that will occur when the Internet protocol will change.
The author's purpose is not to present all solutions but rather the questions that should be asked. This is actually an initial overview on possible issues that can be encountered in applications migration process and the author's desire is to make updates of the book in time, while receiving feedback with new identified issues.
From Chapter 1 to Chapter 4, possible issues are presented and additional changes that should be applied on the existing applications(desktop and server based). IPv6 migration will have multiple consequences and the book is suggesting some possible situations that the reader has to consider for the adaptation process. Front-end and back-end critical possible changes are analyzed with focus on GUI, DNS, API and IP addresses storage. Transport layer (Chapter 5) was specifically addressed "for those of you who do need to work at the network layer". This contains information about messages transport from and to the applications, dual stack support and security issues. The migration process will also involve changes on applications documentation, training or testing operations and Chapter 6 suggests what should be reviewed in these areas. Other resources and next steps to be followed related to IPv6 migration are described in the last chapter.
The book doesn't have many illustrations and sources, as it is a short one, but still, an index would have been useful.
This is just the first edition of the book and it is actually a collection of suggestions organized in categories, of what to consider when you will be involved in applications migration process, though many of the suggestions should be already known by a professional. It is also a fairly good introduction on IPv6 for the people who never studied about it yet, but real examples are lacking in this version and you should probably wait for an updated edition if you are interested in real issues and fixes.
You can purchase the book from O’Reilly here.
"Learning Android" by Marko Gargenta (O’Reilly review)
Learning AndroidBuilding Applications for the Android Market
Marko Gargenta
O'Reilly Media, 2011
268 pages
This book's scope is to offer an overview of Android platform and set fundamental knowledge in order to start developing platform oriented applications. The author describe this book as being the result of observations during multiple training courses and a "perfect way to master the fundamentals".
Author's experience in training people makes him one of the most recomanded person to create a book like this. His approach using the step by syep presentation and examples is the perfect way to achieve the main objective: learn how to build applications for Android market.
Along with the details regarding Android platform and how to build applications for it, one of the book's objective is to follow the development of a social networking application (Twitter like). The development is also made step by step creating new modules and features in each chapter. Source code pieces are well highlighted, followed by explanations and together with screenshots and diagrams facilitates a lot the study process and also the development of the training application. The way this book "is gluing" the technical parts without missing modules from the software development cycle, allows the reader to build an Android application from scratch to it's final form.
The author makes a perfect transition from basic to more complex details and when you will finish the book you will realize that you have built an Android application and you have learned the fundamentals of developing applications for Android market without much effort.
As an assessment of the book place in the literature of its subject, I consider this book to be among best publications in it's category for the targeted public. The information is structured in a way that makes the learning process much easier than other similar books.
From the Java developer's point of view, I think the content of the book is easy to understand and I recommend it to everyone who would like to study the fundamentals of Android application development. Even that for a good understanding, the author is asking at least oriented programming skills, I believe that this should be used by intermediate developers in order to understand completely it's content.
You can purchase the book from O’Reilly here.
Java User Group Sibiu - research, share, evolve...
In ideea de a forma o comunitate Java locala, care sa reuneasca profesionisti si nu numai, impreuna cu alti pasionati Java, am pus bazele unui "Java User Group" in Sibiu (http://sibiujug.java.net/) , afiliat comunitatii JUG internationale. Informatii generale despre Java User Group pot fi obtinute de pe site-ul comunitatii internationale: http://www.java.net/jugs/java-user-groupsScopul grupului este de a incuraja membrii sai si comunitatea locala de dezvoltatori Java in cresterea profesionala prin organizarea de conferinte, simpozioane, prezentari, discutii despre experiente comune din lumea Java. La acest grup pot adera atat profesionisti Java, reprezentanti ai companiilor de profil, cat si cadre universitare, studenti sau persoane interesate de acest domeniu desi practica alta profesie.
Activitatea JUG Sibiu presupune intalniri regulate, de tip "seminar", (probabil 1-2 pe luna) intre membrii si ocazional realizarea unor conferinte de amploare, simpozioane. Unul din planurile de viitor este reprezentat de un program de training Java destinat celor interesati (elevi, studenti, etc), mai multe detalii la momentul oportun.
Parteneriatul realizat cu Facultatea de Stiinte confirma caracterul independent si ideea de comunitate, iar activitatea principala se va desfasura la sediul facultatii (Str. Ion Ratiu Nr. 5-7, Sibiu, 550012 - Google Maps). Seminarii, prezentari sau conferinte se pot desfasura si in locatiile puse la dispozitie de companiile sau grupurile partenere.
Incurajez implicarea companiilor IT (si nu numai) in sustinerea activitatii acestui grup. Un astfel de parteneriat ar aduce avantaje ambelor parti implicate atat la nivel de promovare cat si profesional (poate chiar cu un plus pentru o companie / grup IT, promovarea intr-un astfel de grup si mai departe prin intermediul acestuia, reprezinta o oportunitate foarte buna de a te face cunoscut si de a creste nivelul de imagine...)
Doresc sa multumesc tuturor celor care au sustinut si sustin aceasta initiativa si celor care m-au ajutat cu informatii si detalii despre infiintarea si activitatea acestui grup.
Toti cei interesati pot contacta grupul la jug.sibiu@gmail.com sau direct prin intermediul meu.
Link-uri aditionale :
- Sibiu JUG Google Group
- Sibiu JUG Community Facebook
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