Sibiu JUG - The 10th event
By combining presentation slides with live demonstration, Flavius offered to the audience a good overview over the main Oracle ADF capabilities. In the last part of the event ADF Mobile particularities were discussed together with the audience and probably the most debated aspect was how exactly does this technology runs fully on iOS. One of the participants, Ciprian Popa, made a special research and published an article dedicated to this aspect.
I am very happy to announce that starting with this event Sibiu Java User Group has a new partner. iQuest joined our group and was directly involved in this event's sponsorship. I salute this initiative and their implication in supporting the local Java community and I'm glad our group added to it's partners list another prestigious company which is interested in people's continuous development.
Java User Group Sibiu - The Future of the Java Platform: Java SE 8 & Beyond
One of our objectives is to get informed, to stay up to date with technologies, to get answers for complex questions, to receive quality details from quality speakers. For the 9'th event of Sibiu Java User Group we had the opportunity to follow a prestigious speaker, Simon Ritter - Technology Evangelist at Oracle Corporation. The event was organized at Golden Tulip Ana Tower Sibiu, Wednesday 20'th of June, 2012.Simon has been in the IT business since 1984 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brunel University in the U.K.
Originally working in the area of UNIX development for AT&T UNIX System Labs and then Novell, Simon moved to Sun in 1996. At this time he started working with Java technology and has spent time working both in Java technology development and consultancy. Having moved to Oracle as part of the Sun acquisition he now focuses on the core Java platform and Java for client applications. He also continues to develop demonstrations that push the boundaries of Java for applications like gestural interfaces.
In this event Simon recapped recent developments in Java SE 7 and the Java Community Process and continued by moving onto the current ideas for features in Java SE 8 and about the main themes for Java SE 9 and beyond. On the last part of the presentation Simon concluded with a look at some of the features that are being considered for inclusion in versions of Java as far forward as Java SE 12. Everybody was interested in the subjects and <<coffee-break >> discussions together with the Q&A session were meant to clarify the questions from the participants. The received feedback is positive and everybody is looking forward for next events.
I want to notice an important aspect here also, starting with this event our group added a new partner to the list of the existing ones. EBS joined Sibiu JUG and we are happy to add one more prestigious company to our partners group.
In the end I would like to thank all our partners and sponsors (Oracle, Pentalog, EBS, PeopleCentric, JRebel, IntelliJ IDEA, ULBS) for all their support and implication in our group activities. I also would like to thank Simon Ritter for his presence here and we are looking forward for a future collaboration. Last (but not least), I would like to thank to all attendees and to remember our motto to everybody: "RESEARCH, SHARE, EVOLVE"
Java User Group Sibiu - Generatia urmatoare (1)
Am discutat in mai multe randuri, la diferite evenimente, despre importanta care trebuie acordata noilor generatii de specialisti Java, tinerilor pasionati de dezvoltarea produselor software utilizand aceasta tehnologie. Doresc sa subliniez aici faptul ca este foarte important sa utilizam o parte din energia noastra in aceasta directie, sa le partajam din experienta noastra si sa ii incurajam in procesul lor de dezvoltare profesionala. Motivatia este clara: nu putem astepta o recolta bogata daca nu semanam nimic, sau o facem superficial.Cu totii ne dorim sa facem parte dintr-o comunitate care aduce impreuna profesionisti in domeniu, persoane care in urma schimbului de experienta sa castige noi informatii, sa isi deschida noi orizonturi, sa isi clarifice diferite dileme din domeniu. Pentru o comunitate puternica avem nevoie de specialisti consacrati, de oameni care doresc sa isi duca pasiunea si cercetarea la un alt nivel, partajand experienta lor si complexitatea cunostintelor cu cei din jur... Un element deopotriva important este implicarea noastra in dezvoltarea noilor generatii de programatori Java, deoarece o comunitate puternica trebuie sa contina, in afara elementelor enumerate anterior, si elementul care asigura viitorul si continuitatea: tinerii pasionati. In acest context exista mai multe directii in cadrul Sibiu JUG (despre care voi prezenta mai multe detalii in alt articol), una dintre acestea insa este reprezentata chiar de prezentarile tehnice.
Pornind de la conceptul descris anterior, Java User Group Sibiu a organizat Miercuri, 30 Iunie 2012, seminarul cu numarul 8, eveniment desfasurat la Golden Tulip Ana Tower Sibiu. Prezentarea tehnica din cadrul acestui eveniment a tratat principalele aspecte ale tehnologiei JAX-WS, mai exact ultima versiune: 2.2.6. Sutinuta de Dan Nemes, un tanar de perspectiva in acest domeniu care si-a invins emotiile cu succes, prezentarea a fost apreciata de participanti si a fost in acelas timp un pas important in dezvoltarea sa profesionala. Au fost clarificate aspectele necesare crearii unui serviciu Web utilizand aceassta tehnologie si prezentata practic o aplicatie demonstrativa pentru a exemplifica utlitatea acesteia.
La acest eveniment au participat aproximativ 30 persoane, printre ei aflandu-se si cativa noi simpatizanti ai grupului. Feedback-ul a fost unul pozitiv, iar discutiile din pauza si de la finalul evenimentului si-au atins scopul, acela de a omogeniza grupul. Pentru urmatorul eveniment (20 Iunie 2012) il vom avea invitat pe Simon Ritter (Oracle Java Technology Evangelist) si invit toti pasionatii Java sa participe la evenimentul organizat impreuna cu unul dintre cei mai titrati speakeri Oracle.
Multumesc sponsorilor si partenerilor grupului (Oracle, Pentalog, JRebel, PeopleCentric, etc) pentru sustinere.
Ce a insemnat Technical Days Java la Sibiu?
Un prim eveniment de acest gen sustinut de catre specialisti din cadrul
Pentalog Sibiu, a avut loc saptamana trecuta, pe 17 mai. Putini si-au
imaginat ce se va intampla, la ce nivel se vor discuta tematicile
anuntate, cat de mult de va intra in detaliu, etc.
La nivel de oras, este drept ca sunt organizate extrem de putine evenimente de acest gen. Dar desi nu sunt obisnuiti cu astfel de intalniri in cadrul unei companii IT, cei prezenti nu au regretat deloc alegerea facuta.
Evenimentul a inclus...continuare
La nivel de oras, este drept ca sunt organizate extrem de putine evenimente de acest gen. Dar desi nu sunt obisnuiti cu astfel de intalniri in cadrul unei companii IT, cei prezenti nu au regretat deloc alegerea facuta.
Evenimentul a inclus...continuare
Technical Days Java (Studii de Caz; JDF; Spring Web MVC) – Sibiu, 17 mai 2012
Caravana evenimentelor Technical Days IT ajunge in Sibiu!
People Centric va invita oficial la o intalnire intre inginerii software care cunosc si utilizeaza Java, pentru un schimb de experienta si bune practici interesant.
Prezentarea va avea loc in data de 17 Mai 2012 si va presupune atat expunerea unor studii de caz din partea unor speakeri cu experienta relevanta, cat si discutii interactive pe subiectele semnalate de participanti, in cadrul evenimentului.
Invitatii vor fi intampinati in intervalul orar 18h15 – 18h30, inainte de inceperea prezentarii. Durata evenimentului este de aproximativ 2 ore – 2 ore si jumatate.
Locatia este Strada Călugăreni, N° 40, in sala pusa la dispozitie de Grupul Pentalog – partenerul People Centric in organizarea acestei seri.
2 specialisti cu peste 5 ani experienta in Java vor anima si modera aceasta seara. Alaturi de alti 2 colegi experimentati, ei vor sustine expunerea tehnica si vor raspunde la intrebarile inginerilor software, pe temele enumerate mai jos. Se va insista pe dezvoltarea aspectelor care vor fi de interes, dintre urmatoarele tematici:
Eugen C.People Centric va invita oficial la o intalnire intre inginerii software care cunosc si utilizeaza Java, pentru un schimb de experienta si bune practici interesant.
Prezentarea va avea loc in data de 17 Mai 2012 si va presupune atat expunerea unor studii de caz din partea unor speakeri cu experienta relevanta, cat si discutii interactive pe subiectele semnalate de participanti, in cadrul evenimentului.
Invitatii vor fi intampinati in intervalul orar 18h15 – 18h30, inainte de inceperea prezentarii. Durata evenimentului este de aproximativ 2 ore – 2 ore si jumatate.
Locatia este Strada Călugăreni, N° 40, in sala pusa la dispozitie de Grupul Pentalog – partenerul People Centric in organizarea acestei seri.
2 specialisti cu peste 5 ani experienta in Java vor anima si modera aceasta seara. Alaturi de alti 2 colegi experimentati, ei vor sustine expunerea tehnica si vor raspunde la intrebarile inginerilor software, pe temele enumerate mai jos. Se va insista pe dezvoltarea aspectelor care vor fi de interes, dintre urmatoarele tematici:
Studiu de caz 1:
- Prezentarea (tehnica si functionala) a unei aplicatii utilizata in mai multe agentii de presa din Europa (Austria, Germania, Franta, Elvetia, Italia).
- Tehnologii cheie: Eclipse RCP, jBoss, RMI, EJB JPA (cum sunt integrate aceste tehnologii in proiect)
- Metode de abordare a task-urilor pentru un proiect pentru un proiect cu un grad ridicat de complexitate tehnica si functionala. Solutii pentru eficienta descoperirii si solutionarii bug-urilor.
Andrei M. Studiu de caz 2: – Prezentarea (tehnica si functionala) (Aplicatie de tip Data Management – ce pune la dispozitie partea client, partea server si data access). – Tehnologii cheie: JAX-WS, JSP, JSF, Tomcat, JAXB – Migrare DB: Oracle -> Derby – FallBack Server Eugen C. & Claudiu D. Prezentare JDF (Java Developers Formation) : – Training intern: structura, recrutare, desfasurare, concluzii. |
Catalin B.
Prezentare Spring Web MVC – Intro Spring (Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection) – The DispatcherServlet – Configuring annotation-driven Spring – Implementing Controllers MVC – Handler mappings – intercepting requests – Resolving views – Data access:
– Integration with Hibernate |
In limita celor 20 de locuri disponibile, asteptam inscrierile pana la data de 14 Mai 2012.
Mentionam ca pentru a putea intelege la un nivel aprofundat aceste tematici, recomandam ca participantii sa aiba o experienta in domeniu de minim 1 an si jumatate.
Pentru confirmarea participarii, ne puteti scrie pe adresa
*Acest articol este preluat de pe Blogul People Centric.
Oracle Developers Day Romania - Friday, 30 March 2012, Cluj-Napoca
Java doesn't begin and end with the server – Java is everywhere. From servers and desktop applications to mobile devices, wireless sensors, smart cards, and TVs, Java is the world's most widely used software development language and platform - the choice of more than 9 million developers worldwide. Learn how Java technology can enrich your development experience at this one day event.
This event is designed for developers, project managers and architects interested in:
- Java EE 6
- Java FX
- Netbeans IDE 7.1
- Java Web Services
- Oracle ADF and Weblogic Server
- Oracle SOA, BPM and BAM Network with peers, see cutting edge demonstrations from Oracle experts, and code your way through demo workshops
Virtual Developer Day - Tuesday February 28, 2012
Everything you wanted to know about Java including Java SE 7, JavaFX 2.0 and the roadmap to Java SE 8
Discover how Java can help you reduce your project risk and build more advanced, more portable desktop clients
With more than 9 million developers, Java is the most popular programming language in the world. Get a head start and learn the latest in Java. Watch technical sessions and participate in hands-on-labs supported by live, moderated chats with Oracle's technical staff.
Discover how Java can help you reduce your project risk and build more advanced, more portable desktop clients
With more than 9 million developers, Java is the most popular programming language in the world. Get a head start and learn the latest in Java. Watch technical sessions and participate in hands-on-labs supported by live, moderated chats with Oracle's technical staff.
Join this FREE virtual event where you will learn:
- Java SE 7 to Java SE 8 roadmap
- What is and what's new for Java SE 7, JDK 7
- JavaFX 2.0 in depth and how it integrates with HTML 5
- Hands on labs for Java SE 7 and JavaFX 2.0
- Live Q&A with technical staff
Developer lead, manager or architect - this workshop has something for everyone. Don't miss this opportunity.
Time | ||
8:30 a.m. / 9:30 a.m. | Opening | |
9:00 a.m. / 10:00 a.m. | The Java Platform: Now and the Future | |
10:00 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. | General Session: What is Java SE 7 and JDK 7 | |
Technical Sessions | Hands on Labs | |
11:00 a.m. / 12:00 p.m. | Diving into JavaFX 2.0 | Java SE 7 Hands on Lab |
12:00 p.m. / 1:00 p.m. | Java SE 7: New and improved APIs | JavaFX 2.0 Hands on Lab |
1:00 p.m. / 2:00 p.m. | Survey and Event Close |
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